Celebrities are portrayed in the media in many different ways. From the pictures I saw materialistic, flawless smiles, from faces with flawless skin staring back at me. Celebrities are following the norms saying that they need the best bodies and the most fashionable clothes. They spend money on the biggest house, best car, and compete with other through the style of clothing they wear.They were shown this way in more than half of the pictures I looked at.
Some of the unique celebrities I found that did not fit the “perfect” celebrity image were Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, Beyonce Knowles, and Britney Spears. When Lindsay was shown going to jail it wasn’t what was “normal” for someone famous. When people think of a celebrity, they usually don’t think of them getting into trouble or breaking the law because that wouldn’t make them “perfect.” Hilary Duff and Beyonce also jumped outside of the box and didn’t wear make up, which showed that they were comfortable in their skin and didn’t need to always look flawless. Britney shaved her head to stand out and some people then realized she wasn't perfect and didn’t need to follow the norm of how women should look.
The media likes to show the public that celebrities are role models and that we should look up to them. While some celebrities do great things, the stereotype is not accurate enough to compare ourselves to. Not everyone in the world can look perfect or even come close to how easily computers can make up and hide flaws. This stereotype of perfection hurts young women and men especially because it gives them hope that they might someday look like this, and then crushes them when they don’t. The media thinks that showing your sexuality and body is real life. In reality, people wouldn’t last a minute in the public if they dressed that way. Humans will never be perfect and the media should portray more of that than this fit, flawless, happy image that we end up seeing every day and then go home to compare ourselves to.
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