Equity vs. Equality
Evan Kramer
In a school such as Roseville High School, with a fairly diverse population of different ages, ethnicities, and learning abilities the question of equity vs. equality becomes increasingly relevant. Do we treat everyone equally, giving all students the exact same experience like robots being programmed to perform rudimentary tasks? Or should the school take a little more time and effort to create a learning environment more specific to the many different needs of the students? Judging from the robot analogy you can probably guess which side of the equity vs. equality bout I stand on. So, in order to achieve equity in Roseville Area High School their needs to be some line of connection from the often confused, frustrated, sometimes hazed mind of the average student to the teacher who’s also confused and frustrated. Right now there is no communication from the average student specific enough for teachers to really get it. And since every staff member in the building seems to be frantically checking their e-mail every 10 minutes, why not build this line of communication on the world wide web? Well, that’s exactly where it is being formed. Can You Hear Me is the title and it will be the new line of communication that will bridge the gap between teacher and student, and also connect students to hopefully create an equitable environment for every student.
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