The differences between equity and equality are both the fairness of the two and the problems with them as well. In the case of equity, you adjust consequences, etc. to the situation, and in the case of equality, you just make sure everyone is equal. Both have flaws- in equity, how you adjust to the situation is entirely dependent on the person doing the adjusting. Therefore, even though in the best case scenario equity is the fairer choice there is a question of bias- if the decision-maker is biased, then the decision is as well (I may think that it's fair based on the situation to not let someone with a drug problem stay out as late, but someone with different views might think differently). Same with the case of equality- sure, everyone gets treated the same, but is that always fair? Should a kid with a sprained ankle be forced to run as many laps as a kids with uninjured ankles? (no, obviously not). The difference matters in a big way- equity vs. equality is debated for pretty much every topic that effects us- politics, parenting, media, rights, etc. It's becoming increasingly more important, especially as we grow older and the world changes not only politically but media-wise as well, to be an active voice in our community and nation. If we don't know the difference between two of some of the base things that effect our decisions, if we can't tell which one we think is best in whatever situation, then how can we accurately decide on the issues that our effecting our lives?
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