Equity vs. Equality - Why does the difference matter ?
Matthew Falkowski Hour 3
Media Studies
There is a huge difference between these two words Equity is to be Fair. Equality means Equal which is easy to remember because its in the word. For example if you had a child that was 8 years old and a child that is 18 years old. When they got allowance you gave about what each child needs based on their age and expenses. For the 18 year old you gave $100 dollars per week because of gas, movies and going out to eat. For the 8 year old you only gave $25 dollars per week because he only has half the expenses like movies. This would be fair because your giving money based on their age and the expenses that come with age. An example of Equality is if you had a 18 year old you gave $100 dollars per week because of gas, movies and going out to eat. For the 8 year old you gave $100 dollars also per week even though he only has more than half the expenses. This would be Equality because even though their expenses are different your still treating them equal.
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